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In order to curate your feed - where you can see all the latest finds in chronological order - you need to follow your favorite sellers.

​Click the address book icon at the bottom of the screen to pull-up the list of sellers. Click on one.

Like the look of their products? Hit the follow button in the top right on their seller page. 

Once you've followed some sellers, your personalized feed will appear when you click the home icon on the bottom menu bar.
Make sure to turn on notifications if you want to know as soon as one of your favorite sellers posts a new item.
There is also a 'Featured Products' page where you can view highlighted items. If one takes your fancy, click on the image and like the item, adding it to the 'Your Likes' section, or follow the seller.
​If you're looking for something in particular, you can search for products by category and get results from all sellers.

Click the search icon at the bottom of the screen for a list of categories.

Clicking a category will take you through to the sub-categories.

​Here are a few more handy tips:

You can like and comment on items as well as send sellers direct messages to enquire about pieces using the 'Enquire now' button.
Like, Comment, Enquire.png
Find out more about sellers, including their email address and terms and conditions, through the 'About us' button on their seller page. 
Want your own beautiful store? Submit a request to become a seller!
...and it's as simple as that!
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